Counselling is normally a short- term therapy, usually between 6 and 12 weeks of sessions. Counselling can benefit many people by developing new ways of thinking; improving your mood, lessen stress and worry or provide support when you are struggling to adjust to a challenge in life. Counselling can help identify patterns of thinking and belief which are linked to our feelings that may be contributing to emotional distress and behaviour that concerns you or those you are close to.
Contacting us is straightforward and private. You can submit an enquiry by emailing us on or if you prefer by phone and we will contact you to make an initial appointment.

People access counselling for support with
1. Anxiety
2. Depression
3. Exams
4. Health anxiety
5. Lack of assertiveness
6. Panic attacks
7. Procrastination
8. Stress
9. Work issues (such as role change, new job, redundancy, retirement and promotion)